Friday, May 31, 2013

TVDStyle header

I am an owner of the fashion blog called TVD Style where I post fashion worn on the tv series The Vampire Diaries, airing on CW. Last night I thought it was finally time for a theme change, and I was also feeling that my previous theme was... mainstream? I wanted something really unique and something that makes you go ''Ahh, they use that theme on TVD Style!' when you see it on another blog. The choice fell on a gorgeous theme which you can see being used on the blog now.

And this new theme had a header, so I wanted to do something really quick in Photoshop. Obviously I wanted this to be very unique too, so I googled 'magical forest' (I know) and chose a nice picture.

After, I erased the background from these three photos:

I added them in the left corner of the photo, added a psd coloring and woop, it's done!  And the result?


Long time no see!

Hello there!

It has definitely been a while since I've been here. I accidentally stumbled upon this blog and realized it was my own. Oh god, my old creations. Weirdly enough, I don't think they're awful. They're quite good.

Nonetheless, I will start updating again!

Monday, November 28, 2011


Hello everyone!
I've gotten a lot of viewers on this blog lately so I thought I'd do something fun for you!
So, I decided to throw a competition.

Here's what you need to do!
You will make a graphic by following my tutorials (you'll find them in 'Tutorials' in the right side). It can be by anyone, anything but you need to use one of my tutorials. Easy, right?

So, what's next?
When you're finished with your graphic, simply e-mail it to me (you'll find it in my description). You have to tell me which tutorial you followed (for example, tutorial #1, #2 and so on). Then I will go through every single graphic and choose a winner. The prize remains a secret until the winner recieves it, but it can't be found anywhere else than here.

- Follow my tutorials. It's allowed to add other stuff.
- Only one entries per person.
- Have fun!

Deadline in January, 2012.

If you have any questions or don't understand anything in the tutorial, feel free to contact me and we'll turn the question marks to dots :-)

Making sunlight in your graphic

1. Open the picture/graphic you want to work with.
2. Create a new layer: CTRL+SHIFT+N
3. Now, select the Polygonal Lasso tool and draw how you'd like the sun to shine. I usually do zig-zag, but it can be however you'd like.
4. Select the Paint Bucket tool and paint everything inside the zig-zag or whatever you've done with the polygonal lasso tool. It's not hard to do, it usually takes one click.
5. Now go to Filter>Blur>Gaussian Blur and set it to 7,0.
6. Set the layer to Overlay and lower the opacity how much or less you want. In this picture, I lower the opacity to 34%.
7. Done!

Here's my result:
Want to win a really nice prize? Then check here later today or this week. I will be doing a competition and the winners gets a really good prize that can't be found anywhere! I'll write a post about it, so keep your eyes open. And the prize will remain a secret until the winner recieves it.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

A few Selena Gomez covers

I must say I really love these!